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2020 Honorary Board Members

Akin, Martha and Daryl

Anania, Doug

Areu Brothers

Assaf, Fred

Ausband, Andrew and Elizabeth

Ayres,  Tim, and Leigh Ann

Banks, Gabe

Barber, Ed

Bauguess, Harve

Bell, Ken

Bexley, Daye

Bixler, Susan

Bonnot, Brooks J., and Ruth Anne H.

Bowden, Steven

Brackett, Will

Brading, Stanley

Bradley, Edward "Clay"

Brannen, Mitchell

Brown, Michael

Buchly, William

Burdell, George P.

Burke, Wells

Burnett, Rebecca

Butkus, Michael J

Butkus, Patrick

Buzzell, Bill

Cahoon, Joe

Call, Jeff

Campbell, Dan, and Mary

Car, Jon

Carroll, Charles

Mr. and Mrs.Samuel Cathy

Cathy, Joseph Luke

Chapman, Janet

Chapman, Mary, and Joseph

Chrismer, Richard

Cleveland, John, and Elizabeth

Connell III, George

Copeland, Wade, and Barbara

Corrigan, Frank

Cox, Betty

Cranford, Ryan

Dalton, Stuart

Dasinger, Jason

Davian, Ryan

Davidson, III, Charles L."Chip"

Davis, Lee S

Davis, Michael 

Davis, Miles

Davis, Stephen

Delaray, Susan

Dempsey, James, and Diane

DeMyers, Anita

Detwiler, Kim

Dickson, Kristopher

Dillard, Doug

Douglas, John

Drake, Carl

Dwyer, Erin

Dwyer, Sean

Dye, Barbara Henderson

Easterling, James A, and Valarie B. 

Echols, Brantley

Elder, Marian "Dee"

Entrekin, John and Kay

Eshleman, James, and Tarleton, Helen

Ethridge, John

Fluker, Dorothy

Fluker, Jimmy

Ford, Greg

Fowler, Donald

Garcia, Paul R.

George, Ross

Glass, Joel

Glover, Frank

Glover, Nancy

Godfrey, Edward

Goldin, Matt

​Greenfield, Scott

Gregory, Bruce

Hamilton, John, and Susan

Harden, Aaron

Harper, Christopher

Harper, Suzanne

Hartsfield, Lauren

Hatcher, Patty, and Jim

Head, Andrew "Jack"

Henritze, Fred, and Terry

Henry, Laura DeBorde

Herndon, Steve

Hicks, Fain & Kereth

Hockmeyer, Kurt

Hodges, William, and Sheila

Holibaugh, Mark E.

Holst, Sally

Howard, Thomas J

Hoyt, William

Irby, John

Itzler, Jesse

Jacobson, Robert, and Joyce

Jenks, Kyle

Johnson, Tammie

Jones, Richard

Juzdan, George and Dorothy

Kane, Chris

Kay, Adam

Keith Marjorie and Michael

Koon, Jeff

Korchan, Larry and Dee

Lamkin, Brian

Laube, William B., and Lisa

Lerner, David

Lunsford, Jeffrey

Mahaffey, Lisa

Marietta, Letsa

Marshall, Susan

Mason, Sonja R.

McDaniel, William

McEachin, Don

McKee, Matthew

McMullan, John

McNeely, Brian

Milich, Don

Moore, Andrew, and Angela

Miller, Walter

Mr. and Mrs. Jim M. Schwarzkopf

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Parker

Mr. and Mrs. Scotland Wright

Newton, Vaughn

Nix, Gary

Olsen, Lee, and Steve

Palmer, Blake

Parsons, Michael

Patrick, Lauren

Patterson, Joe, and Carolyn

Patterson, John, and Nancy

Patton, David

Payne, James

Payne, Lawrence, and Lori

Phillips, Cheryl

Phillips, Jackie and Scott

Pickney, Eric

Pohlmann, Matthew and Penny

Pope, Greg

Pope, Mark

Portman IV, John

Potts, Chris

Price, Van

Race, Nancy

Ranck, William

Ratcliffe, David

Raulet, Paul

Rayle, Albert and Elizabeth

Reagan, Beth B.

Reavis, Willis

Reene, Michael W

Reese, Annie & Robbie

Renfroe, Charles

Renshaw, Brian

Ricca, Lawrence

Rogers, Micheal 

Rollins, Arthur and Catherine

Rollins, Morgan and Glen

Rudd,Bill and Barbara

Rybert, Thomas F.

Sabato, Robert

Sanford, Annie & E.S.

Sasser, Frances and Jesse

Scott, Jim

Seagroves, J Fentress and Karen

Sebring, Mitch and Julianne

Sharpless, Lewis

Shaw, Jennifer McCraney

Shepard, John and Margaret (Peggy)

Shingler, John

Simms, Jay

Smith, Brad

Smith, David P.

Smith, Doug

Smith, Stephen

Spears, Claire

Spears, Drew

Stark, Billy

Stelling, Chris

Stevens, Ken

Stewart, Kelli

Stockert, Dave

Taylor, Amy and Terry 

Thomas, Kathleen and Andy

Thompson, Richard Lee

Thrasher, Ken

Tucker, Jeff

Tuttle, Warren and Pat

Underwood, Will

Vann, Carl

Vise, Duncan and Grace


Wargo, Joseph and Lisa

Weatherly, Tom

Webb, Larry

Webb, Trey

White, Colin

White, Will

Williams, Donna

Wilson, Bo

Wilson, Bryan "Khalil"

Wilson, Debbie

Winship, Lou

Wood, Christian

Wright, James

Young, Jay

Young, Mark and Jean

Zimmerman, H. Mason






Our Honorary Board makes the work of Trinity Community Ministries possible. 

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